Welcome to 'Selfies Of Success for Authors."
The first post is featuring Author Jillian Ward/aka Lucy Pepperdine. and her book...OFFSHORE.

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So…Just who is Lucy Pepperdine?
A former medicolegal secretary who gave up the 9-5 to pursue her love of writing paranormal romance and horror, Lucy Pepperdine (Jillian Ward) now lives in Old Aberdeen, Scotland, with her writing companion, wee Archie, close by the beach and the harbour. She can often be found tramping the streets of the city looking for inspiration, or hogging a table at the Inversnecky Café turning bacon sandwiches and caffeine into stomach twisting prose. She is also an active fundraiser for Combat Stress and Help for Heroes.
Falcon Bravo oil rig, 250 miles out in the North Sea.
Isolated. Forbidding. Dangerous. When a skeleton crew lands to undertake
routine maintenance, they soon find they are not the only ones on board and
when their number starts to dwindle, they turn on one another. Could one of
them be a killer, or is a more deadly entity stalking the walkways. Who can you
Amazon review of Offshore; by Paul T.
are certain themes in Horror stories which appear regularly - so often that
they almost define the genre. Isolated locations. A mixed group of characters,
who's varied personalities give a lot of opportunity for sub-plots, whilst also
supplying sufficient material for a lot of gory deaths. A monster of some sort
- the details slowly being revealed as the plot develops, and each detail being
simultaneously more fascinating and more blood-curdling. A steadily increasing
tension that rises with the body count. When done well, this structure is very
effective - and Lucy Pepperdine does it very well indeed.
But she's added her own twists to the tale. For a start, the isolated location
is an oil rig out in the North Sea. The characters are a maintenance crew, and
the monster is - well, that would be a spoiler! Suffice it to say that the
author has her own variation on the theme, and it's as nasty as any of the
usual suspects!
The setting is a brilliant choice for a horror story, and she seems to have
done her research - the oil rig is shown in realistic detail. There are also
some very vivid sex and violence scenes, which might not be to everyone's
taste, but are entirely in keeping with the story. The writing is smooth,
absorbing and well-paced, with a lot of twists in the story so that you're
never sure what's going to happen next. Well, you may suspect that someone's
going to die, but it's never clear who, or how. Or if anyone will survive at
HERE. http://getbook.at/Offshore
Other works
by Jillian Ward / Lucy Pepperdine
Smashing, Soooz! It was such fun to write Offshore.