Saturday, January 31, 2015

Author Jeff Blackmere..."The Gears Of Uriel."

Welcome to Author Jeff Blackmer; with his book "The Gears Of Uriel."


Meet the author:
Jeff Blackmer has lived in Portland Oregon for most of his life. He has a love of learning and one may get an idea of his varied interests by looking at his Stumbleupon page:

Photography, humor, astronomy, ancient history, internet tools, computers, space exploration, movies, archaeology, science fiction, mythology, alternative health, health, classic rock, medieval history, comedy, rock and oldies music.

He always wanted to be a science fiction writer and is quite baffled as to how he ended up publishing dark age historical fantasy.

The Gears Of Uriel

Visted by an angel, Theodoros is instructed to make the Gears of Uriel, which is passed from one generation to the next for more than five hundred years. This chosen family are the guardians who
protect it from the evil darkness enveloping our world, casting Theodoros' life into mayhem.

Following each of his descendants and the danger often accompanying the Gears of Uriel, this is a spiritual quest, one which dares to illustrate the nature of religion and how it has often cloaked the truth from mankind with risk of death to the keepers of truth, those heretics who speak up against an organization claiming to be God's mouthpiece and ultimate authority.

The Spiritual conflict spans centuries, illustrating the nature of religious worship, from ancient times to the modern, exposing no matter how much things change, they remain the same.

Set in ancient Greece on the island of Antikythera, Gears of Uriel is vivid, real and surreal, and a smorgasbord of antiquated ritual. Metaphysical historical fantasy has found a true home in this novel. Angels walk with men, the realm of gods has no boundary, and religious family feuds are the most misguided toxin of all. This is a profound tale which delivers a journey worthy of the saints.

REVIEWED: Review by AnLe
Reading The Gears of Uriel by Jeffrey Blackmer, is a little like going on a spiritual journey. We follow the unraveling of organized religion throughout history and are faced with what really matters – spirituality and the eternal strength of the human soul.
This book is exceedingly well-researched, but without bogging the reader down with tiring information. It’s all woven into the body of the story and it works well, is written in a relaxed manner, and is not forced upon the reader. That, I find, is a difficult balance to maintain but is carried off well.
The descriptions of nature are wonderful and vivid – the author has a real knack for them.
Following the story throughout the ages, I became attached to some of the guardians more than others – such as Eudokia and Pascal, whose pain I really felt! – yet, all of the guardians are distinct colorful characters and have a very precise role to play. The angels, too, are very different one from the other, but they always express their wisdom and compassion openly.
The messages in this novel are profound and ignite a spark of curiosity to learn more in the reader. It is a bold and challenging novel, and one that requires soul searching to understand what the real truth is. I’m sure there will be some who will not agree with what the author is writing, but I think it is definitely worth reading and I would certainly recommend it. Its fantastical elements are counterbalanced well with the small details which ground this book in an interesting blend of spiritual realism, history and fantasy, as well as the metaphysical. A very interesting read!

Link to where to purchase:


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